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Can I get a little honest right now?

What do you want?

Is there something you want to achieve but it scares you or you can’t imagine how you can make it happen?

Matter of fact, most find yourself doing everything you were told you “should do” only to realize that the place you are in isn’t what you wanted or imagined. Or it once was but now is just simply no longer big enough for your gift. 


I know that is the exact place I found myself in years ago. It was 1993, when

I was in one of the greatest seasons of my life, by everyone else’s definition.

I had the job in Hollywood many people dream of.   Shoot that I wished for!

However, what I realized is that, living  “the dream” was becoming MY nightmare.


Now don't get me wrong working in Hollywood was GREAT! But what I

REALLY wanted was to somehow make a difference in the world.


I wanted to make a difference in the world...

Well in the midst of me feeling torn between what the world said I should

be or do and this desire deep in my soul, one of my friends asked me

to volunteer at a program at our church.


That night, something in me came ALIVE! I realized I was born to help

people define their purpose and live out their purpose focused lives.

I knew in that moment this is EXACTLY where I was meant to be and

I began to really listen to my soul.


It was that moment that shifted everything.. my whole being... and I knew I had to pursue this thing. It was in that moment that I found the Power of the ONE thing I was created to do in this world.


I found my life's calling! 


Sure it was scary and I had no idea what I was doing but that rumble in my belly calling me to this work was bigger than anything I had ever felt. I knew at that moment it was time for me to GO GET IT!!!


What I have come to learn from that epiphany moment is that that rumble in my belly, that passion inside of me, could actually lead me to living a life I was born to live! It actually  lead me to my calling! Plus making money while I did! 


I also realized this was not just an epiphany moment for me, it was moment for every highly skilled professional that finds themself at a similar crossroad that I am now blessed to coach and teach!


The question is do you have the same bold, intense determination to go after the next level of you that is calling?



Formal Biography

Dr. Nicole Roberts Jones is uniquely gifted at one thing – drawing out what’s best in YOU and helping you take your Brilliance to The Bank. As a nationally recognized transformational speaker, best-selling author, Certified Career Development Coach and "Bankroll Your Brilliance" expert, she is the visionary Founder & CEO of NRJ Enterprises, dedicated to helping individuals leverage their unique gifts for financial success.


While building her career in the entertainment industry, Dr. Nicole founded a youth-focused, faith-based mentorship program that rapidly grew into a national nonprofit with 13 chapters in churches across the United States. This transformative work not only changed her own life but also unveiled her extraordinary talent for helping people align their purpose with the roles they were meant to fulfill in their careers.  Through her innovative brilliance framework system, she teaches others how to harness their purpose, enabling them to align their income with work that provides meaning & fulfillment.


With a wealth of experience in career development and talent management, Dr. Nicole empowers corporate employees to take ownership of their roles and thrive by understanding and embracing their purpose. This transformative approach not only helps individuals find meaningful work but also enhances productivity and profitability within their organizations. In addition to her focus on career growth, Nicole collaborates with entrepreneurs to help them differentiate themselves in the marketplace and build businesses that generate multiple revenue streams.


Her esteemed roster of clients includes notable organizations such as the Steve Harvey World Group, Dell/EMC, McDonald's, Blue Cross Blue Shield, the Coach Diversity Institute, the BOSS Network, and Working Mother Magazine. Nicole’s insights and expertise have been featured in prominent media outlets, including CNBC, Entrepreneur Magazine, Essence Magazine, the Bay State Banner, iHeart Radio, and Sister Circle TV.


Dr. Nicole has won numerous awards for her work in the last 25 + years including being the recipient of Presidential Lifetime Achievement Award, was named one of the Top 30 Business Coaches by VIP Global Magazine and the Recipient of the BRAINZ CREA Global Award and named Best of You Honoree by Glamour Magazine. She has served on the Forbes Coaches Council, as a coach for Babson College Center for Women’s Entrepreneurial Leadership (CWEL) as a Founding Member of the Faith-Based Collaborative Council, a partnership between the California Council of Churches and the Los Angeles County Department of Social Services as well as an adjunct professor at USC and Boston University where she taught courses on program development.


Dr Nicole lives with her husband in a suburb of Washington DC, consulting, writing and creating breakthroughs for her clients.

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